
This site has a purpose: to identify, educate, and gather women who feel called to be Jesuits worldwide, and to help us be fully formed for mission.

On the way, it aspires:

  1.  To offer space for historically and theologically informed, authentic and skillful discussion of our experience.
  2. To begin to create community and mutual support among us, in the hope of discerning our collective purpose communally, and with our brother Jesuits.
  3. To offer the many committed members of our Jesuit family a resource for better understanding and creatively engaging the questions and vocations of women who feel called to be Jesuits in classrooms, confessionals, vocation fairs, ministry offices, service programs, and around the dinner table.

But the heart of the journey is interior transformation.  I hope that by sharing the fruits of my discernment, I might encourage you to follow your call, too.  Jesus will be with you as you go.


Ignatius offers his sword